Friday 16 December 2016

Joyeux Noël!

You don't have to do Duolingo over the break! :)

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Upcoming quizzes

Listening quiz (listening) - based on all vocabulary learned so far! Use your cahier and the class Quizlet!
DAY1: le 7 décembre (mercredi)
DAY2: le 8 décembre (jeudi)

Jouer à / Jouer de / Faire de quiz (written)
DAY1: le 9 décembre (vendredi)
DAY2: le 13 décembre (mardi)

*need to know...
- vocabulary
- the prepositions (à+de) and how they work with articles (le/la/les) 
e.g. à + le = au, à + la = à la... 
- and how to write it in a sentence. 
e.g. J'aime jouer au volleyball

(I will let you know the gender of everything! m/f/pl )

Jouer à / Jouer de / Faire de

Step 1: Choose Jouer à/Jouer de/Faire de
Step 2: Find activity in French (is it le/la/les?)
Step 3: Add them together and write the sentence.  

Tu peux _______?
(Can you play soccer?)

Step 1: Jouer à (it's a sport!)
Step 2: le soccer
Step 3: Jouer à+le soccer = Jouer au soccer 

Réponse: Tu peux jouer au soccer?

de+le = du
de+la = de la
de+l’ = de l’ (vowel)
de+les = des
à+le = au
à+la = à la

à+les = aux

Tuesday 29 November 2016


DAY1- We have been practicing Jouer à/de, Faire de. I did tell you I am going to quiz you on it, but that quiz will not be tomorrow, Nov 30th. We need to do more practice. I have had a few students ask me about it today. Please tell your friends to check the website.

Tomorrow we will be practicing how to order crêpes if you happen to stop by the crêpe stand at lunch or between classes (a French food truck will be set up by the gym Thursday Dec 1st.) This is also useful knowledge in general! Knowing how to order something in French!

We will then review Jouer à/de, Faire de.

À demain,
Mlle Powell

Crêpes - le 1 décembre!

Monday 21 November 2016


- We practiced some common words/expressions to both introduce yourself to someone new, and phrases to use in the classroom. I had a few of your introduce yourselves to the class. A lot of this was review! We will be adding words and phrases to this list as we go along. 

- We did a practice listening test based on the multiple intelligences vocabulary. Check the Quizlet and your cahier for the listening test next class! (Day 1: Wednesday Nov23, Day 2: Thursday Nov24)

- We went over a new grammar point, that you saw in the conversation piece we had. Notes below!  

à+le = au
à+la = à la
à+les = aux

de+le = du
de+la = de la
de+l’ = de l’ (vowel)
de+les = des

Devoirs (HW): Study for listening test, Duolingo 10XP, bring Duo-tang if you haven't brought one yet.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Les vedettes et les intelligences multiples (Celebrities and multiple intelligences) 

“Voici Hello Kitty
Elle est sociable, elle adore les parties. 
Elle est naturaliste aussi, elle aime observer les animaux.”

“Voici ______ (nom).  (BOTH)
Il/elle est _____ (1), il/elle __________. (partner 1)

Il/elle est _______(2) aussi, il/elle ________.  (partner 2)

Monday 7 November 2016

1. Behaviour/work habit - *goal setting*
2. Cahier p.1 (Reading activity: match the sentence/picture with the intelligence: physique, artistique, etc.)
3. Cahier p. 2 (Listening activity: listen for the missing information in the announcements)
4. Conversation piece (Speaking activity: partner A/B, a few partner pairs presented)
5. Behaviour/work habit self assessment

Feedback from today:
Moi = mwa
Aussi = O-C (two s's are a soft s sound)
Guitare/Hockey = make sure they sound French!
Pareils = P-ah-ray (with French r!)

Good liaison between mes amis 
Good expression! 

Devoirs (homework): Duolingo 10XP, reviewing class Quizlet is always a good idea. 

Friday 4 November 2016

Interim collect (if you did not hand this in, please bring it with you next week)
- Time to look at test2 (was re-collected)
- Behaviour/work habit self assessment, goal setting
- Speaking activity with the multiple intelligences (activité 1) 
- Share as a class (activité 2)
Behaviour/work habit self assessment 

Activité 1

Q: Salut! Je suis __(1)___, est-ce que tu es ____(1)_____
A: Oui je suis ____(1) ____
A: Non, je ne suis pas ____(1)____
je suis ______(2)_____.

Activité 2
Ms Powell: “Qui est musical?” 
Response: “Bobby, Il est musical”
           “Sally, Elle est musicale”

“Je ne sais pas" (I don't know)
"Personne n’est musical” (No one is musical)

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Behaviour and Work Habits

This list of 13 work habits/behaviour goals is a combination of what you all said you wanted to work on in your interims. We will be doing this for the month of November (and possibly beyond!)

 It is important to be honest in your self-reflections: acknowledge what went well and set goals! 

The sheet with the emojis should stay in your binder- you are encouraged to look at this at the beginning of class. I will hand out the second self-assessment sheet at the end of every class and have you hand it in to me. 

Monday 31 October 2016

We started with "C'est l'halloween!" and you sang along! 

We threw the ball around the room and found out what everyone was dressed up as for Halloween: 

Q: _______(nom), Quel costume est-ce que tu portes pour l’halloween?
A: Je porte un costume de… (chat/sorcière/Lady Gaga)
A: Je ne porte pas de costume

We watched a Têtes à Claques video on Halloween (Québec), and practiced your listening skills 

You had another mini conversation piece about being scared! In French, just like with age, you HAVE (avoir) it. e.g. J'ai 12 ans = I have 12 years (meaning: I am 12 years old), J'ai peur = I have fear (I am scared)

Q: De quoi as-tu peur?
A: J'ai peur des vampires! 

You learned the expression "ça me fait peur" (that scares me) 

Monday 24 October 2016

- Today you finished the personality quiz and we found out that Day 1 is mostly... Physique! 
- I handed back your tests: you got two marks
1 Adjective agreement (Writing)
2 Translation exercise (Reading)

You will have another test on this next class. 
For those of you that did well, this is another chance to show me your skills! For those of you that did not do well, this is your chance to show me an improvement! Look at your notes, see the website, ask your peers, and come ask me! 

I am available after school for extra help. 

Today we broke Adjective agreement into 2 steps
Step 1: Check to see if the noun (what is being described) is masculine/feminine + singular/plural
Step 2:  Write the adjective (in this case, the colour) being careful to add the right endings, *watch exceptions!
+e = feminine
+s = plural (more than one)
(so feminine plural +es)

Remember: you don't add doubles! If it already has an "e" at the end, you don't need to add another one. If it already has an "s" at the end you don't need to add another one. 

Blanc = masculine, singular
Blancs = masculine, plural
*Blanche = feminine, singular 
*Blanches = feminine, plural
Violet = masculine, singular
Violets = masculine, plural
*Violette = feminine, singular 
*Violettes = feminine, plural

Exercises that we did together Day 1, under the cut:

Finished the personality quiz? Study these!

Monday 17 October 2016

We read the article in French about West Edmonton Mall.
You used your reading strategies (and the new highlighting technique) to answer some questions.

It was a difficult task, but it will get easier! 

*Remember: you don't have to know all of the words in the sentence- you can guess based on the words that you DO know: both mots-amis (English) and mots familiers (French)

We have gone over adjective agreement, and you have completed these two pages.

We went over the verb AVOIR (to have)

J'ai  (I have)
Tu as   (You have)
Il/Elle/On a   (He/She/We have)
Nous avons     (We have)
Vous avez      (You have)
Ils/Elles ont     (They have)

You will have a quiz next class following the same format as the two above worksheets.
This time you won't have access to your notes!

You must know:
- the verb avoir (Quizlet)
- the colours  (Quizlet)
- numbers up to 100 (Quizlet)
- *** how to do adjective agreement ***
ie: feminine noun, add an "e" to the adjective, masculine plural noun, add an "s" to the adjective, feminine plural noun, add an "es" to the adjective, with exceptions-- blanche, violette (feminine forms of blanc and violet)

Please come and see me after school if you are unsure, or are having troubles!! I am here everyday after school until 3:00. I am available to stay a little later if you make an appointment with me!

Quiz on Wednesday October 19th (Day 1)
Quiz on Thursday October 20th (Day 2) 

Thursday 6 October 2016

Here are the other 2 conversation pieces. The "au centre d'achats" and "à la confiserie" are in previous posts.

Monday 3 October 2016

Today we reviewed the conversation pieces we have done so far:
"Au centre d'achats" - at the mall
"À la confiserie" - at the candy shop

You got a new conversation piece today: "À la fleuriste" 
>> careful of feminine colours, they sound different! 

We went over pronunciation, and reviewed colours.
**Careful of adj! They must agree with the noun
les bonbons verts  = les bonbons are masculine plural, so the adjective is also masc. plur.
les fleurs vertes = les fleurs are feminine plural, so the adjective is also femn. plur. 

General rule (there are exceptions) 
add an e if it is feminine, add and s if it is plural (es if it is feminine plural) 

Some of the exceptions for colours:  
blanc (m), blanche (f)
violet (m), violette (f) 

We played a Kahoot to practice this concept. 

We will have one more conversation piece, and then you will be evaluated on one of the 4 conversation pieces that we have done. You must be prepared for all of them (convo will be chosen at random.) I will ask you to do the conversation twice, switching roles. 

Review your Speaking Feedback log. 

Below is how I am going to assess you.

Friday 30 September 2016

La journée de la chemise orange

1. We did a reading on Orange Shirt Day.
2. You wrote down and used your "Reading Skills"
3. You answered some comprehension questions
4. Then made a logo design for next year's shirts.

ENG "Every Child Matters"
FR "Chaque enfant compte"

If you are not finished your design, please hand it in next class.

Devoirs: Duolingo!

Tuesday 27 September 2016

à la confiserie

We also talked about adjective agreement with the noun (with is either masculine or feminine).

>> des bonbons rouges (you add an 's' because 'des bonbons' is masculine plural)

Monday 19 September 2016


I gave you some time to share your progress with me on Duolingo. 
Those of you who are still having trouble please come and see me this week. 
Many of you were able to complete your homework in class today! 

Reminder: I am starting looking at your Duolingo this week. 
You only need to complete 10XP, that's one bite-sized lesson. (and should take you 10 minutes or less!)

We then did a conversation that practiced time and days of the week, "Je vais au centre d'achats!"

Please bring this next class, as we will review it before moving on to the next conversation piece. See Quizlet below to practice the pronunciation (and feedback under the flashcards!) 

Some feedback from today:
à = ah!
Qu = K sound (e.g. Quand, quelle, quart)
Est-ce que = Ess-keuh
Je vais = vay
Tu vas = vah

Tuesday 13 September 2016

September 7 - 9th
- Name game
- Classroom rules (in mini-skits!)
- Tech permission forms handed out
- French games!

September 12/13th 
- Duolingo demo (see previous post for details on how to sign up)
- Qui suis-je (Who am I) Banner project!
DAY 1: Due Wednesday Sept 14 
DAY 2: Due Thursday Sept 15

Qui suis-je?
What you need:
- Name/symbol/picture of self in the middle
- Make it colourful! Colour a thin border in your favourite colour.
- 4 things that you like/love/appreciate/hate (1 from each category)

Use or a paper dictionary.
*Everything in French has a gender (masculine or feminine).* So for example, if you like basketball, in the dictionary you would see:

 “basketball (nm)” (n = noun, m = masculine)

You would write: “le basketball”

M = le
F = la

Things can be plural too! Instead of using le or la, you use “les.” This does not change their gender. Just like in English, you usually add an “s” to the end.
 If you wanted to say you liked basketball players you would write:

les joueurs de basketball”

or if you wanted to say you liked cats you would write:

"les chats"

These are called
“definite articles” – le/la/les (more grammar explanation after the banner) 

You will be doing a
mini-presentation to the class.

Bonjour! Je m’appelle ________.
J’aime….  (I like)
J’adore… (I love)
J’apprécie… (I appreciate)
Je déteste… (I hate)
Voilà! C’est qui je-suis!

e.g. Bonjour! Je m’appelle Mlle Powell. 
J’aime la poterie
J’adore les chats
J’apprécie les montagnes
Je déteste les maths
Voilà! C’est qui je-suis!

Need help with
If you put the word in
Quizlet, it will tell you
how to say it.

(And/or ask me!)

French has two grammatical genders: masculine and feminine. All nouns have a gender that you must memorize. Sometimes, the gender can be obvious: une femme ("a woman") is feminine. Other times, it's not obvious: une pomme ("an apple") is also feminine.

Articles (e.g. "the" or "a") provide context for a noun. In English, articles may be omitted, but French nouns almost always have an article. French has three types of articles.

*For this project we will only be using definite articles*

Definite articles ("the") are used with specific nouns that are known to the speakers, as in English, but also to indicate the general sense of a noun, unlike in English. [...]

It is critical to understand that articles must agree with their nouns in both gender and number. For instance, le femme is incorrect. It must be la femme because la is feminine and singular, just like femme.

(I took the above information from Duolingo! )

Adjectives must agree with the noun. If you would like to add an adjective to your banner, let me know so I can help you make it agree!


** I'm going to start looking at your Duolingo progress on Monday of next week**
I would like you to set your daily goal at 10XP (Casual). Duolingo is homework Monday to Friday, and will help inform your final grade. Languages are all about practice, so I should see a commitment to completing 10XP everyday and your continued progress through the levels. (This means that you cannot just complete "Basics 1" everyday for homework.)  If you miss a day during the week, you can make it up on Saturday. I will not be looking at any Duolingo done on Sunday (but if you would like to keep up your 'streak' and make your green owl friend happy, you should continue!)

Find the research about Duolingo's benefits HERE

Duolingo Codes:

Day 1 : EYCXFJ

Day 2 : UFAJFF

Here is the information on how to allow me to track your progress on Duolingo. Please only enrol yourself once you have handed in your permission form from your parent/guardian.

Can I just do 50XP on Saturday instead of doing Duolingo everyday?
No. The idea is to practice your French skills everyday! If you miss a day during the week, make it up on Saturday!

What if I just do an extra 10XP the following day?
If you miss Monday, wait until Saturday to make up your missed day. The goal is to have you practice your language skills on a daily basis.

Can I do more than 10XP a day?
I recommend 10XP-20XP  a day because it is a manageable amount. Although Duolingo is like a game, it is not like a typical video game where you need to beat all of the levels all at once. Do not sit down and try to 'beat the game.' Languages are all about practice, doing a little each day will be more beneficial for your language acquisition in the long run.

Thursday 8 September 2016


Welcome to French 8! 
Please check the website on a regular basis to keep up with anything you may have missed, homework, Quizlet sets, French music we've listened to in class, etc. 
What to do if you are away for any length of time (vacation, school trip, or illness)  
Homework is always an extension of work done in class- If you are away for one day, check the website for what you missed. It is also a good idea to get the name and contact information of one or two classmates. 
If you are away for a longer period of time, do a bit of French everyday! That means Duolingo*, Quizlet, listen to some French music, and if you have the opportunity, speak French to those that you meet!  
*Duolingo even has an offline mode, ideal for traveling. Read about it here.
In my experience, giving you piles of worksheets while you are away is not beneficial. It is best to do the following: inform me of your trip, check the website, and see me when you get back. This way, I can provide clarifications, and get you caught up on what you missed.

Classroom rules/expectations