Monday 17 October 2016

We read the article in French about West Edmonton Mall.
You used your reading strategies (and the new highlighting technique) to answer some questions.

It was a difficult task, but it will get easier! 

*Remember: you don't have to know all of the words in the sentence- you can guess based on the words that you DO know: both mots-amis (English) and mots familiers (French)

We have gone over adjective agreement, and you have completed these two pages.

We went over the verb AVOIR (to have)

J'ai  (I have)
Tu as   (You have)
Il/Elle/On a   (He/She/We have)
Nous avons     (We have)
Vous avez      (You have)
Ils/Elles ont     (They have)

You will have a quiz next class following the same format as the two above worksheets.
This time you won't have access to your notes!

You must know:
- the verb avoir (Quizlet)
- the colours  (Quizlet)
- numbers up to 100 (Quizlet)
- *** how to do adjective agreement ***
ie: feminine noun, add an "e" to the adjective, masculine plural noun, add an "s" to the adjective, feminine plural noun, add an "es" to the adjective, with exceptions-- blanche, violette (feminine forms of blanc and violet)

Please come and see me after school if you are unsure, or are having troubles!! I am here everyday after school until 3:00. I am available to stay a little later if you make an appointment with me!

Quiz on Wednesday October 19th (Day 1)
Quiz on Thursday October 20th (Day 2)