Monday 24 October 2016

- Today you finished the personality quiz and we found out that Day 1 is mostly... Physique! 
- I handed back your tests: you got two marks
1 Adjective agreement (Writing)
2 Translation exercise (Reading)

You will have another test on this next class. 
For those of you that did well, this is another chance to show me your skills! For those of you that did not do well, this is your chance to show me an improvement! Look at your notes, see the website, ask your peers, and come ask me! 

I am available after school for extra help. 

Today we broke Adjective agreement into 2 steps
Step 1: Check to see if the noun (what is being described) is masculine/feminine + singular/plural
Step 2:  Write the adjective (in this case, the colour) being careful to add the right endings, *watch exceptions!
+e = feminine
+s = plural (more than one)
(so feminine plural +es)

Remember: you don't add doubles! If it already has an "e" at the end, you don't need to add another one. If it already has an "s" at the end you don't need to add another one. 

Blanc = masculine, singular
Blancs = masculine, plural
*Blanche = feminine, singular 
*Blanches = feminine, plural
Violet = masculine, singular
Violets = masculine, plural
*Violette = feminine, singular 
*Violettes = feminine, plural

Exercises that we did together Day 1, under the cut:

1.              J'ai quatre chaises rouges (red).

Step 1: quatre chaises: feminine, plural
Step 2: +es (just an s because there is already an e)

2. Elle a des gommes vertes (green).
Step 1: des gommes: feminine, plural
Step 2: +es

3. Tu as dix-sept cartables blancs (white).
Step 1: dix-sept cartables: masculine, plural
Step 2: +s

4. Vous avez cent ciseaux roses (pink).
Step 1: cent ciseaux: masculine, plural
Step 2: +s

5. J’ai une fleur blanche (white) et un bonbon noir (black).
Step 1: une fleur: feminine singular
Step 2:  +e

Step 1: un bonbon: masculine singular
Step 2: +NOTHING 

6. Nous avons quatre-vingts livres jaunes (yellow).
Step 1: quatre-vingts livres: masculine, plural
Step 2: +s

7. Ils ont un stylo bleu (blue).
Step 1: masculine, singular
Step 2: +NOTHING