Monday 7 November 2016

1. Behaviour/work habit - *goal setting*
2. Cahier p.1 (Reading activity: match the sentence/picture with the intelligence: physique, artistique, etc.)
3. Cahier p. 2 (Listening activity: listen for the missing information in the announcements)
4. Conversation piece (Speaking activity: partner A/B, a few partner pairs presented)
5. Behaviour/work habit self assessment

Feedback from today:
Moi = mwa
Aussi = O-C (two s's are a soft s sound)
Guitare/Hockey = make sure they sound French!
Pareils = P-ah-ray (with French r!)

Good liaison between mes amis 
Good expression! 

Devoirs (homework): Duolingo 10XP, reviewing class Quizlet is always a good idea.