Monday 19 September 2016


I gave you some time to share your progress with me on Duolingo. 
Those of you who are still having trouble please come and see me this week. 
Many of you were able to complete your homework in class today! 

Reminder: I am starting looking at your Duolingo this week. 
You only need to complete 10XP, that's one bite-sized lesson. (and should take you 10 minutes or less!)

We then did a conversation that practiced time and days of the week, "Je vais au centre d'achats!"

Please bring this next class, as we will review it before moving on to the next conversation piece. See Quizlet below to practice the pronunciation (and feedback under the flashcards!) 

Some feedback from today:
à = ah!
Qu = K sound (e.g. Quand, quelle, quart)
Est-ce que = Ess-keuh
Je vais = vay
Tu vas = vah