Tuesday 13 September 2016


** I'm going to start looking at your Duolingo progress on Monday of next week**
I would like you to set your daily goal at 10XP (Casual). Duolingo is homework Monday to Friday, and will help inform your final grade. Languages are all about practice, so I should see a commitment to completing 10XP everyday and your continued progress through the levels. (This means that you cannot just complete "Basics 1" everyday for homework.)  If you miss a day during the week, you can make it up on Saturday. I will not be looking at any Duolingo done on Sunday (but if you would like to keep up your 'streak' and make your green owl friend happy, you should continue!)

Find the research about Duolingo's benefits HERE

Duolingo Codes:

Day 1 : EYCXFJ

Day 2 : UFAJFF

Here is the information on how to allow me to track your progress on Duolingo. Please only enrol yourself once you have handed in your permission form from your parent/guardian.

Can I just do 50XP on Saturday instead of doing Duolingo everyday?
No. The idea is to practice your French skills everyday! If you miss a day during the week, make it up on Saturday!

What if I just do an extra 10XP the following day?
If you miss Monday, wait until Saturday to make up your missed day. The goal is to have you practice your language skills on a daily basis.

Can I do more than 10XP a day?
I recommend 10XP-20XP  a day because it is a manageable amount. Although Duolingo is like a game, it is not like a typical video game where you need to beat all of the levels all at once. Do not sit down and try to 'beat the game.' Languages are all about practice, doing a little each day will be more beneficial for your language acquisition in the long run.