Saturday 4 February 2017

We reviewed the Travel Agent conversation (see previous post) using La Colombie Brittanique, L'Alberta et L'Île du Prince Édouard as examples. We did a "mix n' mingle" activity where you walked around and then stopped to talk with someone who had a different coloured bead than you (acting as client/agent de voyage.)

I introduced the imperative (l'impératif) - Commands!
We looked at the ones in the Travel Agent activity, and then learned how to form it.

It's easy! 
1. Conjugate the verb in the present tense (imperative is only used with the subjects  Tu/Nous/Vous)
2. Take away the Subject (Tu*/Nous/Vous). 
3. You're done! Fini!
*with the tu form, -er verbs, you take away the "s" as well (e.g. Tu voyages -> Voyage!)

We will be focusing on the "Vous" form because we are acting as travel agents in this unit, and it is the more polite way to address an individual (and is used for a group!) Reminder: "Vous" translates to "You"

So instead of "You travel to Toronto!" (Vous voyagez à Toronto!)
you'll say "Travel to Toronto!" (Voyagez à Toronto!)

We will be reviewing this concept again, including some irregular verbs (ones that don't follow the rules) -- Here is a Quizlet of some common Imperatives you will use in this unit

I then gave you a mini-project to complete for a speaking mark.
- I assigned partners and you chose a province from a hat (Away? I chose for you. See me next class!)
- You were asked to write on a separate piece of paper the same information as the example ones (La Colombie Brittanique, L'Alberta et L'Île du Prince Édouard) - le pays, la province, le moyen de transport... etc.)
- You then used or a similar application (PicCollage) to create a flyer with pictures for your province (similar to the example ones we looked at)
- You will hand in the written work, and send a copy of the flyer/poster
- You will present the travel agent conversation again for a speaking mark- changing the imperatives if necessary, and switching roles (Partner A will be the Client first, and then switch roles and will be the Travel agent)
** I will be looking to see if you are able to correctly use en/au/aux/à (places), and en/à (transport), as well as some of the imperatives we've looked at, as well as pronunciation, French R, making English words sound French... things that we have been practicing!**