Wednesday 15 February 2017

Reminder: Infinitive vs. Imperative

In your projects, instead of saying "voir les montagnes!" 
you should say "voyez les montagnes!" 

Why is that? 

In the first example, you said "to see the mountains!"
In the second, you said "see the mountains!"

Voir = to see (this is an infinitive)
Voyez = see (this is an imperative)

Below I will post what we have gone over in class for your reference.


An infinitive is the full form of the verb, the unconjugated form.
Infinitives end in -ER, -RE, or -IR
It means "to do something"

Voyager = to travel
Faire  = to do
Voir = to see


An imperative is a command.
Imperatives end differently depending on the verb!
As learned, imperatives are conjugated using only three subjects: tu/nous/vous
We are focusing on vous because of the nature of our unit: travel agent!
(Vous can be used to talk to one person for polite-ness, or a group of people). 

Just like in English, when giving commands,
instead of saying "you travel" simply say, "travel" 

1. Conjugate the verb in the present tense
2. Find the vous form 
2. Take away the vous!

How do I conjugate in the present tense?
For Regular -ER verbs it's easy! You've learned how to do this.
You take off the -ER and add the endings.

je -e
tu -es
il/elle/on -e
nous -ons
vous -ez
ils -ent

For unfamiliar verbs (-IR and -RE) and irregular verbs (ones that don't follow the rules), you can use the website to help you.


Verb: Voyager (to travel)
Vous voyagez -> Voyagez
You travel      -> Travel

 Verb: Faire (to do/make)
Vous faites -> Faites
You do/make-> Do/Make

Verb: Voir (to see)
Vous voyez -> Voyez
You see       -> See