Monday 27 February 2017

- You filled in a work habits sheet for your Interims.
- We reviewed the present tense today (including the irregular ones from your sheet.)

There will be one more day of practice before a quiz on the present tense next week!
Come and see me for extra help if you need it!

Friday 24 February 2017

Present tense!

- Reflected on the unit so far.
- This is what we went over in class today: the Present tense! 
- We did a Kahoot afterwards to practice.

** We also went over verbs ending in -GER, and how the "nous" conjugation is different **

Je voyage
Tu voyages 
Il/Elle/On voyage
Nous voyageons
Vous voyagez
Ils/Elles voyagent

The "e" is added there for pronunciation purposes! 
This is the same for any verb ending in -GER (includ. Manger) 

For homework: use the website in the previous post to write out present tense conjugations for the irregular verbs (these are verbs that do not follow the rules below) + Duolingo :)

Irregular verbs

Tuesday 21 February 2017

We went over the answers to the homework sheet. I asked you comprehension questions as we marked it. Next class (Wednesday Day1, Thursday Day2) you will have a reading test following the same format -- fill in the blank with correct imperative, and answer some comprehension questions

To practice our reading, we looked at a text on Arizona, with some questions
(using the highlighting technique to help us.)
> Highlight all the French words you know in one colour
> Highlight all the English words (or looks like English word) in another colour

Final activity was a listening activity about Arizona.

Devoirs: Duolingo

Thursday 16 February 2017

We presented the mini-projects for a speaking mark. If you were away, please come and see me as soon as possible to arrange a day and time to present to me. Collages should be e-mailed to me!

At the end of class I handed out a fill-in-the-blanks activity using Imperatives. This is for homework, just try your best! I will give ou a few minutes at the beginning of next class to compare with your partners, to see if it all makes sense. We will go over the answers together before moving away from Canada.

Reminder: Duolingo is daily homework on days where we have school.

Bon weekend!

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Reminder: Infinitive vs. Imperative

In your projects, instead of saying "voir les montagnes!" 
you should say "voyez les montagnes!" 

Why is that? 

In the first example, you said "to see the mountains!"
In the second, you said "see the mountains!"

Voir = to see (this is an infinitive)
Voyez = see (this is an imperative)

Below I will post what we have gone over in class for your reference.


An infinitive is the full form of the verb, the unconjugated form.
Infinitives end in -ER, -RE, or -IR
It means "to do something"

Voyager = to travel
Faire  = to do
Voir = to see


An imperative is a command.
Imperatives end differently depending on the verb!
As learned, imperatives are conjugated using only three subjects: tu/nous/vous
We are focusing on vous because of the nature of our unit: travel agent!
(Vous can be used to talk to one person for polite-ness, or a group of people). 

Just like in English, when giving commands,
instead of saying "you travel" simply say, "travel" 

1. Conjugate the verb in the present tense
2. Find the vous form 
2. Take away the vous!

How do I conjugate in the present tense?
For Regular -ER verbs it's easy! You've learned how to do this.
You take off the -ER and add the endings.

je -e
tu -es
il/elle/on -e
nous -ons
vous -ez
ils -ent

For unfamiliar verbs (-IR and -RE) and irregular verbs (ones that don't follow the rules), you can use the website to help you.


Verb: Voyager (to travel)
Vous voyagez -> Voyagez
You travel      -> Travel

 Verb: Faire (to do/make)
Vous faites -> Faites
You do/make-> Do/Make

Verb: Voir (to see)
Vous voyez -> Voyez
You see       -> See

Tuesday 14 February 2017


Reminder: things you need!

1. List (le pays: ___________, la province__________, un moyen de transport___________ etc.)
2. Collage ( Please send me an e-mail with your picture!
3. Conversation piece (reminder: you are getting a speaking mark for this!)

TRAVEL AGENT: Bonjour, bienvenue à l'agence de voyage "Fleetwood Park." Comment est-ce que je peux vous aider?

1. Client: J’aime voyager (à/en)_______ (transport)
Agent de voyage: Voyagez (en/au/aux/à)_______  (place)

2. Client: Qu’est-ce que je peux voir (en/au/aux/à)_______  (place)
Agent de voyage: Voyez _________ (see)

3. Client: Qu’est-ce que je peux faire (en/au/aux/à)_______ (place)?
Agent de voyage: Faites ______ (activity)

4. Client  Est-ce que vous avez un conseil de voyage?
Agent de voyage: Apportez ________ (bring)
Voyez ________ (see)
Appréciez______ (appreciate)

CLIENT: Merci beaucoup, je vais y penser 

Saturday 4 February 2017

We reviewed the Travel Agent conversation (see previous post) using La Colombie Brittanique, L'Alberta et L'Île du Prince Édouard as examples. We did a "mix n' mingle" activity where you walked around and then stopped to talk with someone who had a different coloured bead than you (acting as client/agent de voyage.)

I introduced the imperative (l'impératif) - Commands!
We looked at the ones in the Travel Agent activity, and then learned how to form it.

It's easy! 
1. Conjugate the verb in the present tense (imperative is only used with the subjects  Tu/Nous/Vous)
2. Take away the Subject (Tu*/Nous/Vous). 
3. You're done! Fini!
*with the tu form, -er verbs, you take away the "s" as well (e.g. Tu voyages -> Voyage!)

We will be focusing on the "Vous" form because we are acting as travel agents in this unit, and it is the more polite way to address an individual (and is used for a group!) Reminder: "Vous" translates to "You"

So instead of "You travel to Toronto!" (Vous voyagez à Toronto!)
you'll say "Travel to Toronto!" (Voyagez à Toronto!)

We will be reviewing this concept again, including some irregular verbs (ones that don't follow the rules) -- Here is a Quizlet of some common Imperatives you will use in this unit

I then gave you a mini-project to complete for a speaking mark.
- I assigned partners and you chose a province from a hat (Away? I chose for you. See me next class!)
- You were asked to write on a separate piece of paper the same information as the example ones (La Colombie Brittanique, L'Alberta et L'Île du Prince Édouard) - le pays, la province, le moyen de transport... etc.)
- You then used or a similar application (PicCollage) to create a flyer with pictures for your province (similar to the example ones we looked at)
- You will hand in the written work, and send a copy of the flyer/poster
- You will present the travel agent conversation again for a speaking mark- changing the imperatives if necessary, and switching roles (Partner A will be the Client first, and then switch roles and will be the Travel agent)
** I will be looking to see if you are able to correctly use en/au/aux/à (places), and en/à (transport), as well as some of the imperatives we've looked at, as well as pronunciation, French R, making English words sound French... things that we have been practicing!**

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Agent de voyage (travel agent)

1. Client: J’aime voyager (à/en)_______ (transport)
Agent de voyage: Voyagez (en/au/aux/à)_______  (place)

2. Client: Qu’est-ce que je peux voir (en/au/aux/à)_______  (place)
Agent de voyage: Voyez _________ (see)

3. Client: Qu’est-ce que je peux faire (en/au/aux/à)_______ (place)?
Agent de voyage: Faites ______ (activity)

4. Client  Est-ce que vous avez un conseil de voyage?
Agent de voyage: Apportez ________ (bring)
Voyez ________ (see)
Appréciez______ (appreciate)


1. Client: J’aime voyager en traversier (transport)
Agent de voyage: Voyagez en Colombie-Brittanique  (place)

2. Client: Qu’est-ce que je peux voir en Colombie-Brittanique  (place)
Agent de voyage: Voyez le parc Stanley (see)

3. Client: Qu’est-ce que je peux faire en Colombie Brittanique (place)?
Agent de voyage: Faites du surf des neiges à Whistler (activity)

4. Client  Est-ce que vous avez un conseil de voyage?
Agent de voyage: Apportez un parapluie (bring)