Friday 13 January 2017

We started the class with a goal setting sheet. It outlined the grammar points you are going to learn, and you had space to write an achievable goal and write how you're going to improve your vocabulary and speaking skills. You are going to keep this sheet until the END of the unit. If you think you might lose it, take a picture! I want you to keep it so that you can be sure you are keeping on top of the grammar points and your goal :)

We watched the Canada video again- this time stopping after every two provinces/territories. You matched the activities learned from last class to the provinces. We went over the pronunciation of the different provinces and territories: the emphasis is on the end! Instead of Alberta, it's Alberta.

You labelled your map of Canada in French (includ. capital cities!)
We learned how they are pronounced in French thanks to a video made by a native French speaker

Devoirs: Duolingo