Monday 23 January 2017

Aujourd'hui... (23/24 janvier)

- You had your en/au/aux/à quiz today
- We did a quick Kahoot before the quiz to practice
- We a listening activity with this song and learned some new vocabulary

- You filled in this work habits sheet to hand in to me regarding your work habits mark (note that Duolingo is daily homework, and counts as part of your work habits mark!) 

- We finished the class learning a bit about transport!
>> We used the prepositions à/en/au/aux when travelling TO a place,
>> We use the prepositions en/à for traveling TO or WITHIN a place. (translates to "by") 

Try to figure out the rule! Answer under the cut. 

en bateau (boat)
en canot (canoe)
en hélicoptère (helicopter)
en auto (car)
en métro (metro- like skytrain)

à bicyclette (bike)
à motocyclette (motorcycle)
à pied (foot)
à cheval (horse)

- Your ticket out the door today was to tell me how you want to travel 
"Je veux voyager à pied" (I want to travel by foot)
"Je veux voyager en auto" (I want to travel by car) 

Don't forget to do your daily homework of Duolingo! 

EN is used for transport where you are ENclosed (roof, walls of some sort)
À is used for when you are exposed to the elements! (no roof, walls)