Tuesday 31 January 2017

You were quizzed on places (en/au/aux/à) and transport (à/en)
If you are still having trouble with this concept, please come and see me for extra help!!

We did a listening activity with some different advertisements (advertising different travel destinations in Canada), and then read about the same destinations and filled in a little "info-travel" sheet.

We did not finish filling in the sheet, we will do this next class (and go over the answers together.)
We will also be doing the conversation-piece that you got last week (Bob, travelling to France) so please bring that with you as well.

Duolingo is daily homework! 

Thursday 26 January 2017

Quiz on en/au/aux/à (places) + en/à (transport)

Day 1 - Monday (JAN 30)
Day 2 - Tuesday  (JAN 31) 

Monday 23 January 2017

Aujourd'hui... (23/24 janvier)

- You had your en/au/aux/à quiz today
- We did a quick Kahoot before the quiz to practice
- We a listening activity with this song and learned some new vocabulary

- You filled in this work habits sheet to hand in to me regarding your work habits mark (note that Duolingo is daily homework, and counts as part of your work habits mark!) 

- We finished the class learning a bit about transport!
>> We used the prepositions à/en/au/aux when travelling TO a place,
>> We use the prepositions en/à for traveling TO or WITHIN a place. (translates to "by") 

Try to figure out the rule! Answer under the cut. 

en bateau (boat)
en canot (canoe)
en hélicoptère (helicopter)
en auto (car)
en métro (metro- like skytrain)

à bicyclette (bike)
à motocyclette (motorcycle)
à pied (foot)
à cheval (horse)

- Your ticket out the door today was to tell me how you want to travel 
"Je veux voyager à pied" (I want to travel by foot)
"Je veux voyager en auto" (I want to travel by car) 

Don't forget to do your daily homework of Duolingo! 

Wednesday 18 January 2017

We continued with our travel unit today!

- We reviewed some vocabulary that we learned from the Canada videos (see Quizlet)
- We learned when to use the prepositions en/au/aux/à (meaning "to")

- feminine (la)
- masculine but starts with a vowel

- masculine (le)

- cities
- islands

- plural (les)

If you want to say "I want to travel to _______ "
Le Canada = Au Canada
La Nouvelle-Écosse = En Nouvelle Écosse
Victoria = À Victoria
Les Territoires-du-Nord-Ouest = Aux Territoires-du-Nord-Ouest
* Replace the le/la/les with the preposition! 
Just like in the last unit: Jouer au volleyball NOT jouer à le volleyball

Je veux voyager au Canada
Je veux voyager en Nouvelle-Écosse
Je veux voyager à Victoria
Je veux voyager aux Territoires-du-Nord-Ouest

- We reviewed how to add the negative (like headphones around verb1)

e.g. Je ne veux pas voyager au Nunavut
(*Tip! To sound more 'French' we don't pronounce the "e" on "ne." Sounds like: Je n'veux pah)

- We did a mini-speaking activity and listening activity with your maps of Canada.
Don't forget to pronounce places à la française, putting emphasis on the end of the word.
instead of VANcouver -> we say VancouVER
instead of EDmonton -> we say EdmonTON
instead of OTTawa -> we say OttaWA

We finished class with a Kahoot to practice!

Don't forget to do your daily homework of Duolingo!

Friday 13 January 2017

We started the class with a goal setting sheet. It outlined the grammar points you are going to learn, and you had space to write an achievable goal and write how you're going to improve your vocabulary and speaking skills. You are going to keep this sheet until the END of the unit. If you think you might lose it, take a picture! I want you to keep it so that you can be sure you are keeping on top of the grammar points and your goal :)

We watched the Canada video again- this time stopping after every two provinces/territories. You matched the activities learned from last class to the provinces. We went over the pronunciation of the different provinces and territories: the emphasis is on the end! Instead of Alberta, it's Alberta.

You labelled your map of Canada in French (includ. capital cities!)
We learned how they are pronounced in French thanks to a video made by a native French speaker

Devoirs: Duolingo

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Le Grand voyage! - Le Canada

Today we started our new unit: Le Grand voyage! We started in Canada, and will be travelling our way through the USA, Europe, and then countries of Africa!

We did a Kahoot to start- we reviewed the provinces and territories of Canada!

You watched this video and highlighted on a map the province or territory you would most like to visit based on the content of the video. You then did some matching of screenshots of the video to sentences describing the activity shown. We went over the answers together.

Devoirs: Duolingo!

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Montre et raconte (Show and tell) - Presentation example!


To make it read slower go to: Flashcards -> Options -> Audio -> Advanced Audio -> SLOW

Presentations are this week! I will give you some time at the beginning of next class to ask me any questions, and then you will present. You are getting a speaking mark for this.