Tuesday 4 April 2017

We've been working on the unit "Le grand voyage!" (The big trip!)
To practice our listening skills we've been watching this movie
and doing some activities with new and learned vocabulary.

We have completed 3 activity sheets:
1 - "Le Petit Nicolas, un classique de la littérature française" the magazine article with Sandrine
2 - Vocabulary matching, and matching descriptions to people from the movie
3 - Reading a postcard and answering questions on it.

You will have a listening test next class
it is based on the vocabulary learned in the activity sheets.
DAY 2: Thursday
DAY 1: Friday 

I will post a translation of the postcard below, under the cut. 

Keep working on Duolingo!

After the listening test we will be reviewing all of the grammar points learned this unit along with some vocabulary, and then you will get started on your final projects for the unit!

Dear Mary-Edwige,
How is it going in Chamonix?* Are you having a good vacation? Do you like the mountain? Me, I'm at Bains-les-mers** with my parents and my grandmother. We are at the hotel Beau-rivage (meaning: beautiful coastline/shore) and we eat at a restaurant everyday. It's super! 
Dad and Mom are very happy to be on vacation.
Me too, I am happy. I have a lot of friends and the weather is nice. We play ball, we make sandcastles, we bathe in the sea. It's very nice! 
See you soon at school.

*Chamonix-Mont-Blanc (usually shortened to Chamonix) 
is a resort area near the junction of France, Switzerland and Italy.- Wikipedia
** possibly a reference to the real place, Mers-les-Bains, 
which is a commune in the Somme department in Hauts-de-France in northern France.
- Wikipedia