Tuesday 29 November 2016


DAY1- We have been practicing Jouer à/de, Faire de. I did tell you I am going to quiz you on it, but that quiz will not be tomorrow, Nov 30th. We need to do more practice. I have had a few students ask me about it today. Please tell your friends to check the website.

Tomorrow we will be practicing how to order crêpes if you happen to stop by the crêpe stand at lunch or between classes (a French food truck will be set up by the gym Thursday Dec 1st.) This is also useful knowledge in general! Knowing how to order something in French!

We will then review Jouer à/de, Faire de.

À demain,
Mlle Powell

Crêpes - le 1 décembre!

Monday 21 November 2016


- We practiced some common words/expressions to both introduce yourself to someone new, and phrases to use in the classroom. I had a few of your introduce yourselves to the class. A lot of this was review! We will be adding words and phrases to this list as we go along. 

- We did a practice listening test based on the multiple intelligences vocabulary. Check the Quizlet and your cahier for the listening test next class! (Day 1: Wednesday Nov23, Day 2: Thursday Nov24)

- We went over a new grammar point, that you saw in the conversation piece we had. Notes below!  

à+le = au
à+la = à la
à+les = aux

de+le = du
de+la = de la
de+l’ = de l’ (vowel)
de+les = des

Devoirs (HW): Study for listening test, Duolingo 10XP, bring Duo-tang if you haven't brought one yet.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Les vedettes et les intelligences multiples (Celebrities and multiple intelligences) 

“Voici Hello Kitty
Elle est sociable, elle adore les parties. 
Elle est naturaliste aussi, elle aime observer les animaux.”

“Voici ______ (nom).  (BOTH)
Il/elle est _____ (1), il/elle __________. (partner 1)

Il/elle est _______(2) aussi, il/elle ________.  (partner 2)

Monday 7 November 2016

1. Behaviour/work habit - *goal setting*
2. Cahier p.1 (Reading activity: match the sentence/picture with the intelligence: physique, artistique, etc.)
3. Cahier p. 2 (Listening activity: listen for the missing information in the announcements)
4. Conversation piece (Speaking activity: partner A/B, a few partner pairs presented)
5. Behaviour/work habit self assessment

Feedback from today:
Moi = mwa
Aussi = O-C (two s's are a soft s sound)
Guitare/Hockey = make sure they sound French!
Pareils = P-ah-ray (with French r!)

Good liaison between mes amis 
Good expression! 

Devoirs (homework): Duolingo 10XP, reviewing class Quizlet is always a good idea. 

Friday 4 November 2016

Interim collect (if you did not hand this in, please bring it with you next week)
- Time to look at test2 (was re-collected)
- Behaviour/work habit self assessment, goal setting
- Speaking activity with the multiple intelligences (activité 1) 
- Share as a class (activité 2)
Behaviour/work habit self assessment 

Activité 1

Q: Salut! Je suis __(1)___, est-ce que tu es ____(1)_____
A: Oui je suis ____(1) ____
A: Non, je ne suis pas ____(1)____
je suis ______(2)_____.

Activité 2
Ms Powell: “Qui est musical?” 
Response: “Bobby, Il est musical”
           “Sally, Elle est musicale”

“Je ne sais pas" (I don't know)
"Personne n’est musical” (No one is musical)

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Behaviour and Work Habits

This list of 13 work habits/behaviour goals is a combination of what you all said you wanted to work on in your interims. We will be doing this for the month of November (and possibly beyond!)

 It is important to be honest in your self-reflections: acknowledge what went well and set goals! 

The sheet with the emojis should stay in your binder- you are encouraged to look at this at the beginning of class. I will hand out the second self-assessment sheet at the end of every class and have you hand it in to me.