Friday 10 March 2017

We have been working with modal (also called helper) verbs! You completed this person "BINGO" by walking around and asking people in the class travel questions.

Helper verbs "help" the sentence by giving more information!

Some helper verbs:
Vouloir (to want)
Devoir (to have to)
Pouvoir (to be able to)
Aimer (to like)
Aller (to go)
Préférer (to prefer)
Détester (to hate)

Je danse => Je veux danser
I dance => I want to dance

The helper verb is conjugated in the present tense, the second verb in the sentence is unconjugated, it is in the infinitive! (meaning it ends in -ER, -RE or -IR)

Extra practice:
Add a helper verb to these sentences to make them match the English translation.
*Remember: Helper verb (present) + Verb 2 (infinitive)*

Question: Je nage dans l'océan : I hate swimming in the ocean
Réponse: Je déteste nager dans l'océan

1. Je voyage à Tokyo:  I want to travel to Tokyo.
2. Tu aimes ma valise: You have to like my suitcase.
3. Ils choisissent un voyage: They can choose a trip.
4. Nous avons les billets: We like to have the tickets.
5. Vous allez en France: You prefer to go to France

Answers under the cut.

Monday 6 March 2017

Irregular verbs!

1. Je (avoir) une idée
2. Tu (aller) au cinéma
3. Je (faire) de l'art.
4. Vous (être) gentils!
5. Je (aller) à Paris
6. Nous (devoir) faire nos devoirs
7. Je (vouloir) aller au centre d'achats
8. Elles (pouvoir) danser
9. Je (devoir) chanter
10. On (faire) des biscuits
11. Je (pouvoir) jouer au soccer
12. Sally (vouloir) aller à l'école
13. Je (être) étudiant

Friday 3 March 2017

1. Reviewed conjugating -ER, -RE, and -IR on the board
2. Played Kahoot
3. Played "le jeu de la moustache" (verb game)
4. Did a QR code reading/scavenger hunt activity

Mon (day1)
Tues (day2)