Monday 19 June 2017

To work on:
- Section A/B : practicing adjective agreement and placement
- Pour parler d'un produit : practicing ce/cet/cette/ces
- Tes marques préférées : to talk to your partner about your favourite brands of different items

Answer key to the activities in class today are under the cut:
Please check your answers AFTER you have finished the activity. 

Wednesday 14 June 2017

End of the year assessments!

Day 1
Listening: June 16th (Using vocabulary learned this unit)
Speaking: June 19th / June 21st (Entrevue Flash)
Reading: June 26th (Using vocabulary you've learned this year, multiple choice questions)
Writing: June 26th (Pt.1: Adjective agreement + placement // Pt.2: I will provide you with a selection of questions, you will choose one and write using all your skills learned this year!)

Day 2
Listening: June 15th (Using vocabulary learned this unit)
Speaking: June 20th / June 22nd (Entrevue Flash)
Reading: June 23rd (Using vocabulary you've learned this year, multiple choice questions)
Writing: June 23rd (Pt.1: Adjective agreement + placement // Pt.2: I will provide you with a selection of questions, you will choose one and write using all your skills learned this year!)

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Adjective PowerPoint (BAGSO)

Please be sure you are
1) Doing Duolingo!
2) Reviewing vocabulary from your notes and Quizlet!

Monday 5 June 2017

1. Aujourd'hui we did Entrevue Flash (**reminder: you will be assessed on this at the end of the year, which is fast approaching!! please be practicing at home, and come see me if you need help forming an answer, or working on pronunciation**)

2. We reviewed BAGS(O) adjectives (the ones that go before the noun)

3. Disney sheet (describing different Disney characters using BAGS(O) adj, making sure to do agreement)

4. Kahoot to practice

Thursday 11 May 2017

Powerpoint on Present tense + 2 verbs

You finished your Grand Voyage projects! We are currently reviewing some of what we've done this year, before we move onto the final mini unit.

We are reviewing the present tense, and adding 2 verbs (helper verb + infinitive)

Our last unit it on consumerism and products, so I put a fun "spin" on how to conjugate verbs (review) using t-shirts, price tags, and accessories.

Here is the powerpoint:

We are also reviewing some common questions you should be able to answer at this point using vocabulary and grammar points learned.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Voyagez à Paris!
Allez à vélo, en automne
Mangez la spécialité de la France, les macarons, ils sont délicieux!
Visitez des musées, vous pouvez voir des squelettes de dinosaures!
Apportez un passeport.
Bonnes vacances!

Thursday 6 April 2017

> You had some time to study for the listening test today, using Quizlet.
We reviewed as a class, then you studied in your table groups.
I reminded you of the "star" feature on Quizlet. You can star the terms you need to remember!

> We completed the listening test

> We practiced some more vocabulary: things you should bring with you on vacation.
Presenting them in the Imperative- commands
"Voyagez à (city), Apportez (item)" 

> Taking turns (partner A/B) I projected images and you figured out what city it was, and what item(s) to bring

> Your ticket out the door was to tell me what you have to bring when you go on vacation.
Je dois apporter...